Taplaos Commissions

Commissions Status: Opened

- 4 / 6 Slots available
-10 Ko-fi Slots available


By all means, you can send me a email over at: [email protected]Or message me over these socials

Youtube Thumbnails Commissions

If you are planning to commission me for a Thumbnail. PLEASE tell me if there’s a certain deadline for a video. I at least want to prepare myself beforehand
Price of a thumbnail will vary on how complex or simple the prompt will be.
*On Average a thumbnail price will be. . . . $80 - $100+
-Please tell me a detailed prompt of your idea! If you can provide any reference or even a prerecorded video it will help me a lot as a visual aid.
-Once I get a clear idea I will make a couple of mini thumbnails for you to pick first. ONLY then we can discuss the price.
-I will be providing you with work in progress on your thumbnail and by all means, you can make edits if you want anything to be changed.
-If you ask for a PSD or CSP file of the thumbnails. I will send them over to you via google drive.
-I’m always open to do separate channel art if you ask for it. Of course there will additional fees

PKMN League Card Commission

Doesn’t necessarily mean you must have a gym related theme. Any type of Trainer, OCs, self insert would do just fine!Full body Character/ Trainer and 3 pokemon……. $80
+ Extra PKMN . . . .$25
A full 6 Team . . . . $140
Price may vary depending the complexity of Pkmn design (。•́︿•̀。)


Before asking a commission please check out my TOS. Once that's out of the way you can fill out the form!

Draw ✔️
OCs | Humans | anthros/ Fursonas | Self insert/portraits |
Draw ❌
NSFW | Mechas | D&D OCs ( Armor and Weapons )| Tattoos| NFTs
No Tattoo designs commissions

-Only you, as the commissioner, may use your commission for personal/home use.-By all means, you are welcomed to repost your own commission to your sites. Just please provide proper credit.
- I will be streaming my progress over on my Twitch. PLEASE let me know if I have permission to do so otherwise I will proceed. During my Commission streams, if you see your commission you have FULL RANGE to make any edits to your commission live.
- You may not edit my work unless it has been discussed beforehand.
-I reserve the right to upload my work to any website where I am promoting myself. If you wisht to keep your commission private please notify me.
- I hold full rights over any artwork I create. All physical/ digital products including artwork of mine that were made with the express purpose of profit, including but not limited to prints, mugs, key chains, shirts, etc. -MAY NOT BE SOLD WITHOUT WRITTEN, EXPRESS PERMISSION FROM ME, A CONTRACT, AND A COMMERCIAL RIGHT PAYMENT
- I have the right to say no to a commission. If by any means, during a commission if you are rude or make me uncomfortable.I will be giving you a full refund.

-Payments are only accepted through Paypal. All prices are in USD
- There will be an additional $5 fee to cover paypals with each transaction. Fees will be altered depending on how high the commission is.
-Payment first! I prefer payment upfront first before I start working. Do not pay me until I accept your commission!
- PAYMENT IN FULL AMOUNT.. Sorry I don’t do half payments

-On average your commission should be finished within 5-7 days or to a month. Seeing I’m working on a batch of commission for each month so progress will be delayed here and there
- If your commission has a certain timeframe, PLEASE LET ME KNOW! Otherwise, I will treat it at the same pace with the other commission. If there’s a quick rush order of a commission there will be additional fees.
I cannot stress this enough. PLEASE DO NOT PRESS ON ME TO SEE YOUR COMMISSION PROGRESS every hour or so. I will be updating you on the progress. Please be patient. I have other obligations, a job and other commissions to work on
There will be delays! I babysit my sister’s kids throughout the week /weekend SOOOO it just varies
Drawing Progress
- I will be showing you my progress during your commission. I will move on to the next phases once we agree on how the commission is turning out during the progress.
-Any major edits will only be made during the sketch phase!
-If there’s a mistake on my part I will fix it for free. IF there’s a mistake but only because you failed to mention it. I will charge a fee depending on how large the mistake is aka ( if you left out information that wasn’t provided in the reference etc)
Keep in mind, if I'm in the inking or coloring phase and you want extra changes or new poses. I will add additional charges
Once the commission is all finished up. I’ll be asking for your email to send you the full transparent file.
( If you want the CSP or PSD file let me know! )
Once it is sent, The transaction is over!.

Shaded Commissions

°✩ Full body and 1 pokemon - $60 ✩°
+Extra Trainer .......$35
+Extra Pokemon .......$25
★Limit of 4 mons★
Full Team - price may vary (。•́︿•̀。)
°✩ Solo OC character- $50 ✩°
+Extra Character .......$35

Mini Backgrounds +$40

Flat Colors Commissions

°✩ Full body and 1 pokemon - $40 ✩°
+Extra Trainer .......$25
+Extra Pokemon .......$20
★Limit of 4 mons★
Full Team - price may vary (。•́︿•̀。)
°✩ Solo OC character- $30 ✩°
+Extra character .......$25